Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pre Training Week Week

Training with Layne officially starts this week, so this past week I've been trying to run more to get prepared. I don't want to die my first week of training! I went Tuesday with Jeff Mac and did 4 miles! Of course it was run 1 mile, walk 1 mile, and repeat.. but still! I was happy. I can definitely run 1 mile without dying, so that is a plus!
On Friday I went by myself. I decided to do 6 miles with the run/walk method. It was a little more difficult! After 4 miles I had to stop and drink some water and get motivated to do 2 more. The difficultness could have been due to the 2 Diet Cokes I had had already that day. Or the Orea Blizard I had from Dairy Queen. Or it could have been that I went at like 4 in the afternoon when it was still SOOOO hot. But nevertheless, I did 6 miles!
I am very motivated at this point. I keep finding out more and more people that are running this race too, including some of my dearest friends Morgan, Emily, Lauren, and Meredith. So this will be a fun journey together!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Here We Go!

I am NOT a runner. I never have been. I'm friends with runners, lots of them. My older brother Paul is a huge runner. I've watched him in several races including full marathons and even a 1/2 Ironman triatholon. None of these races ever inspired me to become a runner. Most everyone I've seen in these races were either crazy or they looked miserable! I wasn't interested in either. My roommate Layne is also a runner. I went with her last year to support her while she ran the St. Jude 1/2 Marathon in Memphis, TN. Honestly, I thought I would never, ever want to actually run in a race.

I think the first time that I ever thought about running was when Paul got back from Afghanistan and did his 1/2 Ironman. The week before he got back, my sister-in-law Annie, put on a 5K race to raise money to help sponser Paul in his ironman. It was at that race that I first thought maybe I could enjoy this. I came home and ran with Layne 2 1/2 miles! Ever since then, I've had it in the back of my mind to run a real race.

Well, here we are today. I have committed to run the St. Jude half marathon on December 4 this year. Layne is going to be my trainer, and we start next week. She said I needed to be able to run 2 miles before we started. So I'm trying to get there by next week. I've decided to blog about my experience. I'm going to run this afternoon to see how far I can go! Hopefully by December 4, I'll be able to run 13.2 miles. Yikes. I can't believe I'm going to do this. Pray for me!